2017 CCIL Conference
November 2-3 in Ottawa
Canada at 150: The Return of History for International Law
The theme of this year’s conference is “Canada at 150: The Return of History for International Law”. The key premises and institutions of the international order, which have endured since the end of the Second World War, are increasingly being challenged by powerful states, rising powers, populist movements, non-state organizations and multinational corporations. Fundamental questions are being asked in all areas of international law as to how the international legal framework and institutions may be reshaped.
In this context, the CCIL’s Annual Conference will encourage discussion and analysis on the following questions: What is the impact on international law of these changes? Where does Canada fit in the international order at a crucial point in history? How have experiences over the past 150 years prepared Canada for this evolving environment and affected Canada’s current approach to international law? What should Canada contribute to the reshaping of the international legal framework and institutions and how should Canada engage in this respect?

Honourable Charles N. Brower
20 Essex Street
Past ASIL President, Judge of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice and past Judge ad hoc of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Judge Brower's 55-year career in the law has combined extensive practice at the bar with distinguished public service, both national and international, concentrating during 35 years in the fields of public international law and international dispute resolution.

Dinah Shelton, Manatt/Ahn Professor of International Law Emeritus
George Washington University Law School
Professor Shelton has authored many articles and books on international law, human rights law, and international environmental law. She is a member of the board of editors of the American Journal of International Law and is a vice-president of the American Society of International Law.
In 2006, she was awarded the prestigious Elizabeth Haub Prize in Environmental Law. In 2009, she became the first woman nominated by the United States to become a member of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, established by the Organization of American States to promote and protect human rights in the Western Hemisphere. She served a four-year term, during which she went on to become President of the Commission.

Award Keynote:
Professor Emeritus Armand de Mestral
McGill University
Professor de Mestral has recently retired from the Faculty of Law at McGill University where he was the Jean Monnet Chair in the Law of International Economic Integration. He has authored an impressive catalogue of books and articles on international trade law and served on WTO and NAFTA dispute settlement and arbitration tribunals.
Armand de Mestral will be the recipient of the John E. Read Medal at this year's Conference.