The Canadian Partnership for International Justice, the Clinique de droit international pénal et humanitaire (CDIPH) and the Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la justice internationale pénale et les droits fondamentaux are pleased to invite you to the conference "Le procès in absentia - La clé pour juger Poutine devant la Cour pénale internationale?".
The conference will take place on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (ET), online (zoom). Registration is free but required.
This conference will provide an opportunity to engage in a critical debate on the proposed amendment to the Rome Statute aiming at the integration of in absentia proceedings, led by Judge Bruno Cotte, Maitre Catherine Mabille and Maitre François Roux.
The event will bring together members of the international legal community to discuss potential ways of implementing a trial in absentia at the International Criminal Court. Taking as a starting point the question of the possibility of trying Vladimir Putin, the panel members will discuss the ins and outs of such a reform, what motivates it and makes it necessary, as well as the objectives it pursues. These reflections will lead the panellists to analyze the amendment submitted, to consider the concrete modalities of its application, to discuss the respect for the fundamental principles of fair trial in the case of a trial in absentia, and to formulate recommendations for best practice.
More information on the CDIPH website, including the program, the proposed amendment to the Rome Statute and the presentation of the speakers.