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International Law Social: March 16, 2017

5-7 p.m. Laurier Social House, Ottawa

The International Law Social is designed to provide an informal atmosphere for lawyers, students, and professors working in international law in Ottawa to meet, network, enjoy some great food and even better company. Initiated by the International Law Group at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa in the Fall of 2013, this Fall and Winter event has quickly become a major success.

It is an excellent opportunity for students to meet international lawyers from government, law firms, NGOs and businesses. They can learn, first-hand, about real life practice and career opportunities in international law. Similarly, practitioners can interact with professors and lawyers-to-be in an informal setting and network with colleagues in the international law field whom they do not normally see in their day-to-day lives. For everyone, the International Law Social is an enriching and fun experience.

Hosted and sponsored by the Canadian Council on International Law (CCIL), uOttawa’s International Law Group (ILG), the International Commercial and Trade Law Students Association (ICTSLA), the Social will be held at:

Location: Laurier Social House 244 Laurier Avenue East Ottawa

Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017

Time: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Light snacks will be served.

Contact Us

CCIL Secretariat

c/o 275 Bay Street, Suite 200

Ottawa, Ontario

K1R 5Z5 Canada

Support the work of the CCIL!


The Council is registered as a Canadian charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. The CCIL charitable registration number is 118830595RR0001

Tel: 613-238-4870


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